A lawsuit filed by an ex-partner against our client, was completely dismissed

Another success for the Commercial Litigation Department!

Adv. Liron Liberman, a partner in FWMK’s Litigation Department, successfully represented a businessman in a complex family law matter and obtained a complete dismissal of a lawsuit filed against him by his ex-partner.

The ex-partner claimed a NIS 3.5 M debt arising from an alleged Bitcoin deal and also claimed a share of the businessman’s assets and income based on their alleged common-law partnership. After a comprehensive legal battle, the Family Court rejected all claims and ordered the ex-partner to cover the businessman’s legal fees of NIS 85,000.

The representation in the proceedings was carried out in fruitful cooperation with our firm, together with Attorneys Shira Shoef Dagan and Dana Krenzler Tenenbaum – a family law attorneys.

To read the verdict>>

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